Next STEPS on your journey of faith – Step 5 – Share your Faith Through Evangelization

Next STEPS on your journey of faith – Step 5 – Share your Faith Through Evangelization
March 31, 2019

Next STEPS on your journey of faith – Step 5 – Share your Faith Through Evangelization

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| In this final week of our “Next STEPS” series, Fr. László reviews the Next STEPS booklet, and it’s purpose as our discipleship GPS. Next STEPS booklets are available in the pews, and everyone should take one for themselves. Click here for Next STEPS online booklet.

Through this series, we have discussed, in a practical way: what it means to put our faith in action, and what means – in a concrete way – to be a disciple of Christ.

Step 5 – Share your Faith Through Evangelization

In this week’s gospel, the religious leaders (the Pharisees and Scribes) accuse Jesus of being irreligious and breaking God’s law by eating with tax collectors and sinners – people who were far from God. In response, Jesus tells the story of the Prodigal Son and reveals the Father’s heart for those who have walked away from a relationship with Him. He reveals that God the Father is on the lookout for them and will greet them with open arms upon their return.

Sometimes we, like the Pharisees, focus on what we seem rightly and fairly entitled, but Jesus wants to change our perspective and reach out to the lost, with love as He did.

Jesus commissioned us to go out into the world to lead people who are unconnected to God into a relationship with him. When we share our faith and invite members into a relationship with Christ, we’re helping the Church grow and we’re growing too – faith grows when it is shared.

Sharing your faith can seem intimidating, especially in a culture that isn’t always open to it. The most powerful way is to share your own personal experience, focussing on how your faith positively impacts your life. This is best done within relationships between friends, family, co-workers, at home, at school, the rink, in the pub or even at the grocery store.

Take this step by looking for opportunities to Invest and invite:
Invest in relationships in your community, and when the time is right, invite them to join you at church, either at the Sunday celebration, or at an Alpha session.

Testimonials demonstrate that a simple invitation, could be the first step to an encounter with the love and mercy of Jesus, and a growing relationship with Him.

After each Mass, invitation cards were distributed to all parishioners – to provide an easy way to invite your family, friends, and other members of your community. More invitations will be available at the back of the church in the next few weeks – please feel free to take one (or take a stack)…

Who do you love enough to invite?

In Christ

Fr. László

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