
Alpha is a series of sessions designed to help you explore important questions about God, faith and life in general in a comfortable and friendly environment. Alpha Sessions include fellowship, food, video talks and small group discussions and run regularly here at the parish as well as other locations. Hundreds of people within and outside of our parish have already taken the Alpha course offered here at Holy Family. Some of our groups have been specific such as the Young Adult Alpha, the Marriage Alpha, Parents Alpha, and Youth Alpha, but they really are open to anyone interested. Being a Christian or “person of faith” is not a requirement. 

All are welcome - Catholic, Christian, or not! There’s no pressure, no follow up, no fee; just an open, informal, honest space to explore & discuss life’s big questions together!

Alpha runs for 11 weeks, with the Alpha Weekend in the latter half. Each session begins with food and fellowship, followed by an inspiring video talk and small group discussion. There is no homework, other than your own contemplation and prayer at home. As with the bible studies, the critical component of the growth of faith is the relationships among the small group members.


Join us on Wednesday May 29th 2024 at 6:30pm in the parish hall and experience what the Alpha Course is all about!

Next Alpha Course will be held on Wednesday nights, beginning January 10th, 2024 AT 6:30pm. Please complete the form below to register or for more information.

“When I was invited to try Alpha at Holy Family, I had no idea what to expect and almost didn’t do it. Quite unexpectedly, I found answers to questions I didn’t even know I had, friendships I’ll always treasure, and a new faith I never thought was possible.”

“The table leaders made everybody feel welcome. Slowly, each of us started to feel more comfortable, and we started sharing more, and speaking to the group. Little by little, my questions were answered, my purpose was clearer, and my involvement started to have direction. THANK YOU, thank you so much for the warm welcome. Now I feel I BELONG.”
